Monday 23 April 2012

The Confirmation

There's been far too much fun in the house of late. And I've been living a life far beyond normality. Went to church and had the bishop confirm me along with about 16 other people.

A few were being baptised and it was all very Italian with god parents hanging around, photographers and there was a moment when I didn't seem to have room to kneel at the front to get me blessing. Oh woe. I muscled a little place and the bishop did his thing.

The family came and the boy did the decent thing and fell asleep about 15 minutes into the extravaganza. Must have had something to do with the party the night before.

Well if there was ever a good reason to stay out till 2am, that was it. So out we went for food after the confirmation service and Le Grand Corona was serene. Said hello to the boss and sympathised with him as he'd just come down with angina. Next thing we know we were being offered aperos on the house.

All that was left was to send the children up to him to say thank you.

Come Monday and it was lunch with the eldest after her tennis lesson.

As we sat in the restaurant, I said my what a life is this. Sunday supper in the 8th, Monday lunch in the 16th. By this reckoning I will be skint by Tuesday and on the bread and cheese.

Or perhaps that should be bread and wine.

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