Tuesday, 12 October 2010

More Battering

After the crunch collision on Saturday morning, I decided to take my battered left side to the doctor. There was great news in that she said I didn’t have to go for an X ray.

But after getting me to lean left, right and contort, she declared I had un traumatisme intercostal.

This translates into one month off football and tennis. Since these are my principal methods of exercise, let’s look at those kilos in a month.

The doc said I could do anything as long as it didn’t hurt. Fortunately the local swimming pool has reopened following a revamp which took a month longer than scheduled.

The doctor’s chat was offset with some intriguing news from this morning about the school where the eldest goes.

Apparently there is no decree guaranteeing its future. This means that technically it could be closed down and we’d have no redress.

I like the idea of edgy education.

Perhaps as I sit out the next few Saturdays I can look into these kind of niceties.